Rebound Training partners with prison facilities and services companies, reentry programs, halfway houses, other non-profits, and institutions that serves individuals that can benefit from remote-work digital skills and financial sustainability that bypass the traditional resume/interview process...
Why Do We Need A New Training System For the Digital Age?
The workforce culture has gone through a lot of changes in just the last decade. With the current health crisis we are facing today, remote work and digital skill sets are highly in-demand.
Companies of all sizes are trying to reinvent themselves continually. Start-ups are disrupting significant industry leaders. Even after accomplishing such a miraculous feat, the start-up still struggles to reach profitability. All companies need to pivot quickly. To do this, they have to attract the right talent and create a culture that inspires them.
The Covid-19 crisis has forced a work-from-home culture which has exaggerated the challenge to always be testing new concepts and implement quickly. Without the strategic advantage of having full-time employees working side-by-side in an office structure, HR Directors and managers can now benefit from crowdsourcing remote work.
Freelancers can be hired quickly around a new project or initiative. Existing personnel can manage the freelancers. This flexibility makes it easier to test new ideas and expand rapidly if they get traction. The freelancer also benefits by earning the equivalent of a full-time job with just a few clients. The risk is also less since their income is distributed and they can take on new clients as needed.
Local Businesses Are Driving New Demand For Freelancing Skills
Local businesses are also at a challenging crossroads. It is becoming increasingly difficult to compete without essential digital marketing and support services. Few college students are graduating with these skills. Specifically the best practices for managing a freelancing business and the soft skills to get a 5-star rating with each project.
The skills needed to help these local businesses do not require a 4-year college degree. Rebound Training & Employment offers a focused digital vocation training that can take 90-days to consume and then perfected with our live coaching sessions and actual client experience.

Local Businesses Need To Leverage Digital Marketing and Remote Support To Grow & Survive
Conclusion: The U.S. workforce requires a complete makeover. We need to train a much broader population to become productive in this fast-paced digital revolution to fill the demand that is evident in the market today.
This type of training enables an opportunity for ambitious individuals that come from challenging pasts to become productive and self-sustained by filling this gap in the job market. Besides, the educational system today teaches you how to think but not "how to live".
How To Live is an invaluable skill that is necessary across the workforce to create a purpose-driven work ethic and natural enthusiasm for the success of the business. Can you imagine a business owner with a shop of employees resonating with this character?
Rebound Training & Employment
Services is a training organization that teaches committed individuals how to be, how to live, and how to work with passion in today's digital society. Our key to success is to empower the new entrepreneur by combining new technical skill sets with each individual's unique natural talents.
In addition, Rebound Training will continually run a freelancing agency where we can hire our qualified course graduates to work with us and earn their first collection of 5-star reviews. Once the new freelancer collects four to five 5-star reviews they can achieve a constant flow of new work.
The Great Divide
The obstacles for higher education are immense. Where does this leave youths that come from more severe environmental upbringings?
Children that grew up with a lack of role models? Who might have an incarcerated parent? Or who have been brought up with a single parent who barely has time to work to put food on the table but cannot provide support for schooling or career counseling? Or those brought up in troubled neighborhoods with gang violence and drug dealers as the symbol for the super-wealthy?
These are youths that have the same natural mental horsepower as the others pursuing higher education but with no options on how to develop it, and their skills, in a way that contributes to society. What side of the law are they destined to end up?

We might find the hungry ones that thrive in these intense environments and manage to finish high school or get a GED. But where do they go from there? A minimum wage job at a retail chain?
Or maybe they can be trained in a vocation that enables them to reach higher incomes. If they get trained as a plumber or electrician, their choices are to compete for the limited spots with established players, or they have to break out on their own. In the later, they are back having to learn digital marketing and support skills to bring in a steady flow of clients.
With the rapid advance of technology and online learning, the digital skills necessary to contribute in today's rapidly growing crowdsourcing market are more easily attainable, faster to dominate, and can provide a direct path to sustainable income.
With that said, underemployed college graduates can greatly benefit from the crowdsourcing market by getting higher entry-level pay and having the ability to control the hours that they dedicate to freelancing.
Digital Vocation Skills and Freelancing Provides a Faster Path To Meaningful Work and Financial Sustainability

Rebound Training & Employment Services
Enhancing Lives In Need and Filling The Gaps In a Rapidly Changing Job Market
The Rebound Training program is targeting the new generation of potential contributors, as well as, those who never had a shot of mastering becoming a productive and fulfilled character.
We aim to empower:
Rebound Allstars
9 Digital Skills That Are Highly In-Demand For Remote Work and Freelancing
Rebound Allstars is an online course that takes the student through nine digital vocations that are most in demand on the dozens of freelancing websites. These websites, such as and post thousand of new jobs each day.
The jobs come from businesses of all sizes and solo entrepreneurs from all over the world. Most of these projects start off as small assignments and grow to ongoing work. So an online freelancer could enjoy full time recurring income with just a handful of clients.
The beautiful aspect of freelancing is that the clients do not ask for your resume or about your past. They mainly focus on how many 5-star ratings you received from previous clients. We teach our students how to get 5-stars.
What Are The Requirements For Success In Freelancing?
A successful freelancer leverages their natural talents to complement the digital vocation skills they learn in the Rebound Allstars training. Someone who is a good listener and compassionate can make an excellent customer service agent. If they are artistic and like to write web design and content creator can be one of their selected vocations.
Each of the nine digital vocations that we teach have unique natural talents that can enhance the freelancer's success. At the root of all the vocations is the ability to read, type, communicate and basic computer skills.
For this reason, a high-school diploma or GED is an ideal prerequisite to serve as a foundation. There are always exceptions. Someone might have a passion for technology, or for writing, and can also focus those talents and hobbies to distinguish themselves as an independent contractor.
Freelancing can also serve underemployed College graduates and professionals from all walks of life.
Freelancing Is a Digital Career That Can Complement The Standard Education Curriculum

One of the barriers to the high school and GED curriculum is that it is sometimes difficult for the student to connect the subject at hand to a career in the future. We believe that a if a GED student becomes aware of the freelancing profession as they go through their studies, they will be able to make that connection more clearly.
Click here for more information on the -> Rebound Allstars Freelancing Training
The Training-To-Employment Ecosystem
Going The Extra Mile For True Transformation

Upon completion of the training, the Rebound entrepreneur selects to focus on a few vocations. Then it's time that they open a profile on one of the dozens of freelancing worksites and begin to apply for gigs.
When a freelancer first gets started, they face their hardest obstacle. They have no 5-star ratings, so it isn't straightforward for businesses to take a chance on an unproven resource. Based on our experience with over 25,000 students in the consumer market, it takes about four to five 5-star ratings before the freelancer is landing consistent work.
The Rebound Agency provides an opportunity for those that qualify to become part of our team. Rebound secures the work and then subcontracts someone from our freelancing network to complete it. We coach them on how to produce a 5-star project.
Once the freelancer earns their collection of 5-star ratings, they can select to break out on their own or to grow with our team.
In the agency model, the freelancers can work in teams in assigned facilities that can provide Internet connections and computers. Or, they can work remotely from any part of the world.
Once they gain the necessary experience, teams within the Rebound agency can also decide to break out on their own and form their agencies.
The benefit to an agency is that you can bid on complete ongoing projects. A business might need a website built and then a constant flow of articles for their blog, a virtual assistant, a customer service team, and online advertising, for instance.
The Rebound Business Model
The Rebound model is to establish partners that service the people that can most benefit from our character development and entrepreneurial training.

These partners can include: